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Dołączył: 08 Paź 2013
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[宜昌市教研中心2011年工作计划] 宜昌市教研中心2011年工作计划
一、指导思想 以《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》为指导,在市教育局领导下,以教育质量提高工程为核心,以深化课程改革为工作主线,以“蹲点联校”创建高效课堂活动为抓手,进一步加大教科研改革力度,充分发挥研究、指导和服务职能,为宜昌教育科学决策提供参考,为宜昌教育发展奠定坚实的专业基础,范文之工作计划:宜昌市教研中心2011年工作计划。
二、工作目标 1、推进和深化课程改革,总结和推广课程改革经验,探索和改进德育途径和方法,积极开展课堂教学有效性研究,不断优化课堂教学方式,全面提高教育教学质量。 2、集中力量抓好教师特别是农村教师的业务培训,充分发挥骨干教师的专业引领作用,促进教师队伍素质不断提高,全面提高教师专业水平。
3、建立中小学教学质量评估机制,创新评价方式和手段,构建科学评价体系,力求在课程评价及考试制度改革上迈出新的步伐。 4、加强教研文化建设,构建和谐环境,打造学术团队,改进教研方式和工作作风,逐步形成“修德、笃研、敢为、有恒”的宜昌教研核心价值理念。
(一)进一步推进新课程改革 1、抓课改推进。一是搞好高中课改专项调研,要围绕综合素质评价、综合实践活动、地方课程和校本课程开设等开展专项调研,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],为高中课改向纵深推进提供指导;二是初中学段重点开展诊断性分析,寻找课改中的薄弱环节并及时弥补;三是小幼学段围绕课程改革均衡推进开展专题调研,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],认真开展学前教育教学现状研究,指导新课改在城乡均衡实施。 2、抓课堂教学研究。一是举行全市创建高效课堂工作经验交流会,总结和提炼各地各学校创建高效课堂的先进经验,表彰一批先进学校和优秀教师典型。二是举办全市高效课堂论坛活动,通过学术争鸣、思想碰撞来澄清认识,及时调整创建策略,开展特色的创建活动。三是认真落实完善高效课堂评价标准,发挥评价的导引功能,引导教师努力提高课堂教学效率,切实实现轻负高效的目标。 3、抓课程资源建设。一是建立网上教研平台,充分发挥宜昌教研网、《宜昌教育》和《宜昌教研简报》等媒体的作用,建立网上教研互动平台,实现教育教学资源共享。二是积极开发校本课程,整合各地力量,推出精品,加强推广,努力形成区域特色。三是加强地方教材建设,对《长在宜昌》进行修订,将校园安全教育、廉政文化教育纳入地方教材。
(二)进一步促进教师队伍专业成长 1、加强教师队伍建设。一是加大对教师尤其是农村教师的业务培训力度,通过新课程理论培训、教材教法培训、教研组长(备课组长)培训等多种形式,促进教师业务素质的整体提升;二是加强骨干教师队伍建设,今年暑期,举办宜昌市第五届骨干教师培训班,充分发挥骨干教师的引领示范作用;各学科开展骨干教师送教下乡活动,促进城乡教师专业素质的均衡发展。 2、加强教研队伍建设。一是加强对教研员的专业培养,通过采取培训提高、对外交流、下校蹲点等方式,提高现有教科研员专业素质和业务水平。今年暑假,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],与北师大联合举办教研员高级研修班。二是积极开展“蹲点联校”活动,督促教研员转变教研方式,重心下移、研究个案,以点带面,提高教科研工作的针对性和实效性。三是举办全市教研文化论坛,创建和谐环境,打造学术团队,构建开拓创新、和谐进取的宜昌教研文化。 3、加强对各县市区教研室(中心)的考评力度。2011年,对各县市区教研室举行教研文化建设专项评估,评选和表彰先进单位,通过以评促研,促进各县市区教研室建设。
(三)进一步健全教学质量评估体系 1、在汲取我市多年来教学质量评价经验和有效做法的基础上,探索并建立宜昌市教学质量监控与评价体系,通过监控与评价的实施,科学、客观地评价我市各个学段的教育教学质量,充分发挥评价促进发展的功能。 2、建立义务教育阶段教学质量监控与评价体系。小学学段进一步完善抽样性测试制度,探索小学毕业年级调研考试成绩与初中质量评估的有效衔接,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];初中学段要搞好《2011年中考说明》的编制工作,认真组织好2011年中考质量评估工作,要充分发挥评价的导引功能,引领学校实施素质教育,推进课程改革。 3、加强高中阶段教学质量监控。进一步完善《宜昌市高考质量评价方案》,发挥评价的导引作用,促使普通高中重视高考质量;加强对高一高二年级教学质量监控,制订评价方案,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],采集评价数据,实施科学评价,促进高一高二年级教学质量的提升;加强对2011年高考备考质量的监管,组织好三次调研考试,注重其科学性、针对性和实效性,切实加强教学过程管理。
(四)进一步加大教育科研的攻坚力度 1、健全组织机构,强化科研规划,工作计划《宜昌市教研中心2011年工作计划》( 2、加强对重点课题的攻坚研究。以四个省级重点课题(“高效课堂研究理论与实践研究”、“课程资源开发促进学校特色构建研究”、“学生发展性评价研究”和“综合实践活动校本开发研究”)为研究重点,组织力量进行督查指导,对重点课题的项目进行跟踪管理和指导,促进其在理论和实践上得到提升。 3、加强对课题研究的过程监控,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。定期地有针对性地对部分学校的科研工作进行全程检查和指导,促进全市的科研均衡发展。通过对重大课题研究过程的定期督查,规范科研行为,完善科研管理。明确各级在研课题责任人的相关责任。 4、重视成果的总结推广。进一步挖掘教育科研成果,及时总结全市取得的教科研成果,通过“宜昌教研网”、《宜昌教育》、《教研简报》和《宜昌课改通讯》等媒体,及时推广教科研成果;组织开展全市教科研成果评选活动,对优秀教科研成果予以表彰。
(五)进一步加强教育学会建设 1、加强教育学会组织建设。召开宜昌市第二届教育学会会员代表大会,搞好学会换届工作,进一步完善县(市、区)级教育学会组织机构; 2、构建教育学会工作网络。积极吸纳会员,搞好会员入会登记工作;加强与各县市区教育学会的联系,构建全市学会工作网络;各专员委员会召开学术年会,积极开展形式多样的学会活动,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],增强学会凝聚力。 3、建章立制,规范管理。修订学会章程,建立规章制度;加强对各专业委员会工作的指导和监督力度,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];规范优秀论文、优秀教学案例、优质课等各项评选活动,为教师专业成长提供活动平台。
(六)进一步加强单位内部建设 1、加强教研文化建设。组织开展政治和业务学习,大力倡导学习研究之风,形成良好的学习研究氛围;加强制度文化建设,严格执行新一届教代会通过的各项制度;营造良好的文化氛围,逐步形成“修德、笃研、敢为、有恒”的宜昌教研核心价值理念;创造丰富多彩的研究活动,改进教研方式和工作作风,形成特色的教研活动文化,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]。 2、加强宣传阵地建设,拓宽对外宣传渠道。逐步建立和完善宣传工作相关制度。要重点报道教育科研重大改革和重大活动、各部门落实推进教育科研中心工作的措施和做法、教学研究成果和教学创新手段、教育科研先进典型人物等。 3、加强常规工作管理力度。明确工作职责,加强工作考评,建立教研工作项目管理制度,务求管理工作科学有效,提高教研工作的效率和水平;加强精神文明建设,争创市级文明单位,进一步丰富精神文明的内涵,促进高品质教研文化的形成。
四、2011年春季学期具体工作安排 时间 活 动 名 称(内 容) 负责人 2月 宜昌市小学各学科教研员工作会 各学科
教研员 宜昌市高考命题核心研究组工作会议 李伟杰  ,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]; 宜昌市城区初中教研组长和教务主任会 李满堂 3月 宜昌市教科研学术委员会成立大会 喻照安 宜昌市教育学会会员代表大会 丁 朴 宜昌市县市区高中联络员工作会议 李伟杰 宜昌市初中学业评价小组培训会 李满堂 宜昌市高三第二次调研考试暨质量分析会 李伟杰 宜昌市高考备考及新课改专题调研视导 李伟杰 宜昌市高效课堂创建基地学校和联系点视导和研讨 李满堂 宜昌市小幼学段蹲点联校专题调研 李德强 高中物理《有效课堂教学研究》省级课题中期检查 郑慧平 宜昌市高中生物优质课、课件、课例评选 张贤荣 宜昌市高中化学教研组长(备课组长)培训会 刘四方 宜昌市初中小学综合实践论文、案例选拔评比 李明海 宜昌市小学语文优质课竞赛 李德强 宜昌市幼儿园教师优秀教案、论文评比 杨美艳 4月 宜昌市“廉政文化进校园”课题研讨会 张旭东 宜昌市高三年级“七市联考”暨质量分析会 李伟杰 宜昌市高中高效课堂基地学校专题视导 李伟杰 宜昌市高二年级学业水平考试 李伟杰 宜昌市高中数学优质课竞赛 向立政 宜昌市初中各学科高效课堂研讨会暨学业评价研讨会 各学科
教研员 宜昌市初中毕业年级适应性考试与质量分析 李满堂 湖北省中学化学趣味实验设计大赛 刘四方 宜昌市中小学音乐美术优质课评比 钟维斌 5月 筹备成立新一届教科研规划领导小组 范俊明 宜昌市高中高考考前指导专题视导 刘四方 全国高中数学联赛(湖北赛区)预赛 向立政 湖北上海中学语文同题异构教学交流 李伟杰
李祖贵 湖北省高中学生化学竞赛预赛 刘四方  ,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]; 2011年全国高中学生化学素质和实验能力竞赛 刘四方 宜昌市高中综合实践课优质课选拔赛 李明海 全国中学生生物学联赛 张贤荣 宜昌市小学英语高效课堂研讨会 万晓艳 宜昌市小学科学高效课堂专题研讨会 李德强 宜昌市小学数学有效教学研讨会 罗善彪 宜昌市中小学健康教育优质课评比 危 ,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]; 薇 6月 宜昌市第三届教科研成果评选 李满堂 宜昌市高中英语新课程研讨暨教研组长(备课组长)培训会 陈卫民 湖北省思想品德、思想政治优秀论文评比 马明贵 宜昌市高中物理青年教师优质课竞赛 郑慧平 宜昌市幼儿园教师优质课竞赛 杨美艳 宜昌市中小学信息技术优秀案例、论文评比 罗善彪 宜昌市中小学地方・校本课程研讨会 钟维斌 7月 宜昌市2011年高考质量分析 刘四方 宜昌市中小学期末调研考试及质量分析 各分管
主任 宜昌市第六届中小学骨干教师培训 办公室 宜昌市高中新课程教师培训 李伟杰 【相关的主题文章:
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JERUSALEM, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- Israeli politicians scrambled to do damage control on Tuesday, following harsh statements attributed to Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon regarding U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's performance on Tuesday.
Israel's Yedioth Aharonot daily published on Tuesday comments attributed to hawkish Ya'alon, who said that Kerry should "get a Nobel Prize and leave us (Israel) alone."
The defense minister reportedly complained ahead of one of Kerry's ten trips to the region since July of last year that there were no negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians in the past month, but between Israel and the Americans.
Ya'alon, who headed the Israeli army's West Bank Division and Central Command during the second Palestinian intifada, has also slammed a U.S.-devised security provisions for an Israeli pullout from the West Bank if a peace deal is established, reportedly saying that it is "not worth the paper it's written on."
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Dołączył: 06 Lis 2013
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Dołączył: 01 Lis 2013
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Shanxi Mount Wutai scenic area of Taiwan Huai temples over the emergence of multicoloured auspicious clouds, so there is a Chinese idiom "auspicious sign" or "Rui Cai auspicious clouds".
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Dołączył: 06 Lis 2013
Posty: 75
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Ostrzeżeń: 0/5 Skąd: England
Wysłany: 20 Temat postu: |
,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
meteorological department is expected to, in South Central Fujian area has heavy rain today, Fuzhou will have strong precipitation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the possible partial heavy rain to rainstorm. 6 to 7 days, affected by cold air,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Fuzhou temperature range of 7 ℃ ~ 9 ℃, 7 days, 8 days of inland and coastal northern minimum temperature can reach 5 ℃ ~ 7 ℃.
the Qingming Festival Fuzhou rainy, 5,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the precipitation is more obvious. The meteorological department reminds, 5 Fuzhou precipitation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], possible local convection lightning,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], strong precipitation and short term wind and weather. The whole process of strong rainfall,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], rainfall reached 30 mm to 60 mm, the local more than 60 mm. If such a large amount of short-term rainfall occurs, all localities must pay attention to the prevention of landslide,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], debris flow possible heavy rainfall triggered geological disasters,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but also need to pay attention to the prevention of local strong lightning, thunderstorms and other severe convective weather disasters. 5, the strongest precipitation area in South Central Province, meteorological department 4, has issued a rainstorm warning in central and southern Fujian province. In some counties, 5 days is expected in Longyan, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Xiamen, Putian six city, 24 hour rainfall reached 50 mm to 80 mm, the local more than 100 mm.
affected by cold air,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 6 days of the precipitation will be weakened,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the weather cloudy, but the temperature will drop significantly. Rongcheng is expected to minimum temperature of 5 to 14 ℃, the highest temperature of 21 ℃. 6, temperature 12 ~ 19 ℃, 7, temperature 8 ℃ ~ 18 ℃. Professionals to remind,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], after cooling the cold weather is mainly reflected in the morning and evening hours, we go out to the appropriate add clothing, pay attention to keep warm.
(Fuzhou evening news reporter Mao Xiaochun)
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Shanxi Mount Wutai scenic area of Taiwan Huai temples over the emergence of multicoloured auspicious clouds, so there is a Chinese idiom "auspicious sign" or "Rui Cai auspicious clouds".
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Dołączył: 01 Lis 2013
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yesterday morning, reporters in Sanyuan County Public Security Bureau didn't see Meng Xiaosuo. The staff said, Meng Xiaosuo in recent days did not go to work.
"Meng Xiaosuo has been to Xianyang city discipline appoint admit Sanyuan Xi Zi Hengfeng vegetable market is his business." Sanyuan County Commission for Discipline Inspection, a staff member said, the case before the transfer, Xianyang City Commission for Discipline Inspection, the survey has confirmed that the true thing to do business.
merchant called "normally open cars to market" Sanyuan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and investigation
yesterday afternoon, the reporters came to the market, traders are shipping vegetables. "The boss Meng Xiaosuo has been removed from the report,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], deputy director of the office." "It won't cause what influence to our merchant business......" Merchants side busy talked about.
"this is the biggest vegetable market in Sanyuan County, is very famous in Sanyuan County, Meng Xiaosuo often drove car to market." A merchant said,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the second half of this year, Meng Xiaosuo is not usually a vegetable market, occasionally, do not open the police.
"Meng Xiaosuo has not Sanyuan County Public Security Bureau deputy director, to be free." Yesterday afternoon,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Sanyuan county Party Organization Department staff said, in November 5th the county Party Standing Committee,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], removed Meng Xiaosuo from the post as deputy director of. It was a real report business enterprise Sanyuan County discipline investigation.
"this is the market" Sanyuan biggest
Sanyuan County Xi Zi Hengfeng vegetable wholesale market is located in Sanyuan County Lu Qiao Zhen, is the national Ministry of agriculture,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], green vegetables fixed-point market, mainly to the wholesale vegetable Guangdong, Inner Mongolia,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Ningxia, Yulin etc..
"my brother died, by Meng Xiaosuo control of the food market." White said,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], brother of accidental death in 2007, >
Sanyuan County Public Security Bureau according to the engineering staff, Meng Xiaosuo operates the wholesale vegetable market in 2006, Ren Chengguan police station director, in March this year, Sanyuan County Public Security Bureau deputy director office. Before the report,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the County Public Security Bureau didn't know the business.
the company registration documents displayed in Sanyuan County Bureau of industry and commerce, the two shareholders of the company is white so and so and money a.
"that markets is his business"
recently,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Sanyuan County town of white a name to the Xianyang City Commission for discipline inspection report, Sanyuan County Public Security Bureau deputy director Meng Xiaosuo operating Sanyuan Xi Zi Hengfeng vegetable market. Xianyang City Commission for Discipline Inspection immediately investigate, last week the clues handed over to Sanyuan County Commission for Discipline inspection. Sanyuan county Party Standing Committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Zhang Hongli said, according to the civil servant to do business to Meng Xiaosuo investigation.
according to the informant Bai Mou says,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], 2006,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], his brother white so and so and then Chengguan police station director Meng Xiaosuo, jointly funded the establishment of Sanyuan County Xi Zi Hengfeng Vegetable Trading Co. ltd.. White with a 2006 shareholder agreement copy display, company two shareholders: white so and so, Meng Xiaosuo, each investment 1200000, each with a total capital of 50%.
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At present, the center opened a total of children's painting, calligraphy, dancing, chess, 27 training classes. Activity center classes can not only enrich the youth outside activities and amateur life, but also cultivate hobbies and personality, enhance their innovation spirit and practice ability.
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Dołączył: 06 Lis 2013
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is on the side of the coal price for three weeks in a row to maintain the highest price year high, while provinces and cities began to limit the coal out of the province, adjust the power subsidies and the introduction of coal regulation fund.
from inventory data port, as of November 9th, Qinhuangdao port coal inventory amount to 5966000 tons, compared with the same period last week increased by 165000 tons. On the same day,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Jingtang Port coal inventory amount to 1980000 tons,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Caofeidian port stored coal 2080000 tons, the main transit port coal stockpiles after 50 days back up to more than 10000000 tons, reaching 10026000 tons, link an increase of 425000 tons, up 4.43%.
shipping coal net index Center released in Bohai power coal price index shows that, as of November 9th, 5500 kcal coal integrated average price of 853 yuan / ton, which is the index since the last index the highest value, but this year Bohai power coal price refers to the highest value,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], number at the same time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the price has maintained continuously three weeks.
853 yuan / ton, Bohai power coal price index reached the highest value since its release last year index; 200 yuan / ton, Guizhou province last month of a province coal, washed coal levy two coal regulation fund, to limit the province coal outflow,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], solve the electricity shortage.
around the winter coal storage peak, each link of coal is staged twisted game.
at the same time, the major power generation enterprises of coal is abundant, according to the fuel companies to the electric power industry statistics, 10 at the end of the country's main of coal power generation business inventory up to >
Yu Huapeng An Zhiyuan
not only so,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], data display, since late September,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the main route of the coal price began to continue to fall, and the lowest frequency and years. "Due to the upstream supply more nervous,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], cause the pithead prices continued to rise,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], coupled with the railway transport capacity constraints, leading to the current terminal prices higher and plant procurement is not positive,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], while brokers also because the profit squeeze, enthusiasm is not high." Xiamen University energy economy research center director Lin Boqiang expresses to our newspaper reporter.
to the current RMB exchange rate against the U.S. dollar, the international coal price per ton lower than domestic prices of around 100 yuan. That is to say, domestic and foreign prices appear serious upside down.
"index international coal prices overall fell for four consecutive weeks, especially in Australia Newcastle port thermal coal price index fell for eight consecutive weeks, so continuous fall also rarely appear in the recent international coal market." Qinhuangdao seaborne coal market related to analyst expresses to our newspaper reporter.
however,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in sharp contrast with the power coal price, coal price and port shipping costs fell to the lowest during the year.
Qinhuangdao coal trading market general manager Li Xuegang also said, the recent "Yangtze River Delta" and "Pearl River Delta" area coal unsalable tendency.
international and domestic coal prices upside down 100 yuan
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Shanghai City, jointly with the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the district actively implement measures, efforts to defuse the cabbage and other vegetables and seasonal varieties structural slow-moving problem.
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Dołączył: 01 Lis 2013
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Xinhua news agency, Beijing in May 26th,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], according to
Chinese Securities News reported, recently approved Shougang,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Guangdong Zhanjiang and Guangxi Fangchenggang and a number of major steel construction projects.
at the local government level, with the national approval of the project to speed up,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], speed up the preparatory work around in the efforts of major construction projects in the region, as soon as possible to the development and Reform Commission approval.
since May, the Ministry of environmental protection new accepted a number of major projects in the EIA report. Specific include: Dandong civil aviation airport expansion project,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Baotou to Maoming National Highway Engineering,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Guangdong section of Suzhou Taicang port project phase four,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Shaanxi electric power plant in Xi'an "big pressure on the small" 2× 350MW expansion project and Beijing,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Shanghai and the Fuzhou track traffic engineering. After a rough calculation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], if the project is approved,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the total investment will be 44000000000 yuan.
in May this year,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the national development and Reform Commission approved the project of Shougang qiangang. The construction site of the project for the Hebei province Tangshan Qian'an City, the main construction contents for ironmaking,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], steelmaking, rolling and auxiliary facilities, the project formed 7800000 tons iron, 8000000 tons, 6370000 tons, 1200000 tons of hot-rolled plates of cold rolled sheet production scale. That same month,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Guangdong Zhanjiang iron and steel base project and Guangxi Fangchenggang iron and steel base project also won the national development and Reform Commission approval. The project total investment amount will be added, in more than one hundred billion.
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Shanghai City, jointly with the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the district actively implement measures, efforts to defuse the cabbage and other vegetables and seasonal varieties structural slow-moving problem.
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Dołączył: 06 Lis 2013
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Responsible person said to Chinese Securities News reporter to
is the largest polysilicon manufacturers in Jiangsu can silicon industry estimates,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], by the end of this year production will reach 21000 tons, cost per unit time at the beginning of the year is $30 / kg, to the three quarter has been reduced to 25 dollars / kg. This has been achieved by hemlock and international manufacturers almost the same industry low cost. If this calculation, the polysilicon enterprise gross margin is conservatively estimated to reach 300%.
that is clearly not so. Polysilicon prices continue to rise,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but the amount of the actual purchasing PV enterprises are not many. Suntech power the employee said,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], "our additional procurement only accounts for about 15% of total demand,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the other is a long single price, namely the benchmark price + ratio floating price."
in Jiangsu,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], they have the silicon material nine into above is 3-8 year long single, slightly silicon photovoltaic enterprise scale is mostly 70%-80% is a long one, "our profit and not as market or the show so much, photovoltaic enterprises will not there is a high cost pressure."
is currently Europe polysilicon market accounted for the global market consumption of 80%, Germany the world's largest market demand 7 volt power net subsidies moonlight fell about 15%, next year will reduce 10%. This makes the market had a future government may cut photovoltaic subsidies expected.
according to Chinese Securities newspaper reporter understanding,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], at present the polysilicon manufacturers and photovoltaic enterprises signed long single contract, almost all in accordance with the quarter floating price settlement. The average price of 5%-10% only slightly over last quarter slightly raise prices, the industry's long single basically is $60 per kg. Polysilicon enterprise profits can not be in accordance with the market price to measure, the lower cost of enterprise gross margin at around 50%, most of the domestic enterprises in 25%.
"we purchase department work still follow the prescribed order, staring at the silicon material factory on time delivery, to undertake the need of production department, polysilicon prices impact on us without saying so serious." An employee of Suntech electric power material procurement department recently to the China Securities News said.
Xiao Wei of the Chinese Securities News reporter said, now the company received some temporary list,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], this part of raw materials are >
/ reporter Li Xiaohui
silicon prices "virtual" hot
Jiangxi LDK LDK sales manager Xiao to Chinese Securities News reporter, polysilicon prices do not rule out a small part of the speculation factors,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but rising main driving force must be driven by market demand,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], because Germany,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Italy, Spain and other major terminal market in the subsidy cuts before the big panic buying cell components, caused the short-term demand increase.
polysilicon prices global linkage, since May, prices continued to rise, high in nearly two years in early September, break through 90 U. S. dollars / kg,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], after the national day,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], although a slight decline, but the medium-term bullish trend has not changed. Domestic A shares, etc. several polysilicon concept stock market over 1 months is therefore sought after by the market.
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Shanghai City, jointly with the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the district actively implement measures, efforts to defuse the cabbage and other vegetables and seasonal varieties structural slow-moving problem.
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Dołączył: 01 Lis 2013
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it is understood, as the investment environment of Fuqing city continue to improve, Taiwan trade is growing at a faster rate. As of September this year, Fuqing city has batch containing 268 Taiwan funded enterprises, a total investment of USD 2087490000, the registered capital of 1090060000 US dollars, contractual foreign investment 967540000 U. s.dollars,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the actual utilization of Taiwanese capital of USD 673140000, Taiwanese investment mainly in electronics, petrochemical,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], textile and other industries.
South East Express (reporter Chen Qinxiang) reporter yesterday from Fuqing relevant department,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in September this year,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Fuqing City,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Taiwan trade volume exceeded $300000000,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], $309374700.
Fuqing City,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Taiwan trade imports from the production of LCD TVs,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], LCD panel display of raw materials, plastic pellets,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], plastic film,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], machinery fittings,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and gradually expand to the ice fresh aquatic products; exports to Taiwan mainly in liquid crystal display,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], metal products and aquatic products.
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Shanghai City, jointly with the Municipal Commission of Commerce, the district actively implement measures, efforts to defuse the cabbage and other vegetables and seasonal varieties structural slow-moving problem.
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Dołączył: 06 Lis 2013
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Wysłany: 03 Temat postu: |
Many private doubts have been expressed in Washington about the wisdom of holding an inter-Korean summit in the waning months of a presidential term, but there is little reason to be surprised. There is inherent unpredictability in a meeting between a high-stakes gambler (Roh Moo-hyun) and a shrewdly poker-faced survivor (Kim Jong-il). Both leaders have their own motives for making high-risk wagers against long odds. In the end the summit is a gamble worth taking,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but neither leader is ultimately likely to win.
Kim Jong-il��s decision to pursue a summit is designed to further his own tactical and strategic objectives. These include a desire to influence South Korea��s presidential elections, to distract from North Korea��s denuclearization commitments, to affirm the status quo through mutual recognition and acceptance of North Korea as a nuclear state,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and to benefit domestically from having South Korea��s leader pay tribute to Kim Jong-il at home.
Kim Jong-il might use the summit positively by publicly affirming North Korea��s denuclearization commitments,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], declaring peace with South Korea, or accepting South Korean economic offerings,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], indirectly pressuring the United States to implement diplomatic normalization with North Korea while leaving questions of implementation to the future.
Kim Jong-il will use the home court to his advantage, but a second look at his objectives,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], even despite last October��s nuclear test, reveals more weakness than strength. Never has North Korea attempted to assert itself so boldly in favor of one side than in its attempts to marginalize the opposition Grand National Party. What if Korean voters still vote for change,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], regardless of the summit? Having campaigned for continuity, Kim Jong-il would be a loser.
The timing of the summit,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], prior to the completion of the implementation of the February 13th agreement and prior to North Korea��s implementation of its commitment to full denuclearization, imposes an unavoidable burden on Roh Moo-hyun to raise the nuclear issue. Kim��s response on a subject that North Korean officials have traditionally avoided discussing with South Korea will draw out North Korea��s top leader regarding his nuclear intentions.
Despite Kim Jong-il��s strategic calculus,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], a second inter-Korean summit draws him further into the public light and diminishes the opacity surrounding the North Korean regime. Kim��s economic needs reveal his dependency on external aid,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], which should only be given transparently with the full approval of the Korean taxpayer.
Roh may offer,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but South Korea��s next leader should not be obligated to pay for North Korea��s economic development without a return on investment. The sooner that Kim Jong-il is placed in harness to South Korean public opinion, the sooner a more reciprocal inter-Korean relationship will be realized. In this respect, the timing of the summit could not be better.
Roh faces a structural constraint on how far he can go to please North Korea without risking public backlash and damaging progressive chances to maintain power,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but a successful summit in the eyes of South Koreans will enhance progressive chances and constrain his successor. If this indeed proves to be the case, my wager is that South Korean public will be the true winner, and that North Korea��s leaders will have no choice but to play out their hand.
Scott Snyder is a Senior Associate with The Asia Foundation and Pacific Forum CSIS. The views expressed here are personal views. He can be reached at [link widoczny dla zalogowanych],[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
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The film adaptation of the Broadway hit Sweeney Todd was named best musical or comedy and star Johnny Depp was named best actor in that genre for his role as a vengeful barber who kills his customers.
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Dołączył: 06 Lis 2013
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Wysłany: 05 Temat postu: |
Scenes from schools in poor areas of Korea depicted in a Chosun Ilbo article on Monday are shocking,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Children in one elementary school in Seoul were studying under a roof that leaks when it rains,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. An elementary school in Incheon had a library pieced together from shipping container boxes,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. One student from Seoul who went on a field trip to a rural elementary school in North Jeolla Province saw a kerosene heater and reportedly asked what the device was used for. That same school kept the heater off all winter after students found it difficult to study under the fumes and made them come to school wearing thermal underwear,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
The government��s education budget last year was W35.25 trillion (US$1=W951). When you subtract labor costs (W23.85 trillion),[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], educational program and school construction costs,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the remaining W2.68 trillion was used to run the country��s 10,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],876 elementary,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], junior and senior high schools. That boils down to W246 million per school. Schools use that money to make repairs and buy new books. Some districts in Seoul offer more than W5 billion for schools in their jurisdiction. But regional governments,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], which house many low-income families and collect fewer taxes, already have a difficult time supporting welfare recipients and senior citizens and find it impossible to help schools in their districts. Schools in rural regions are receiving fewer and fewer subsidies since the numbers of students are constantly declining. It is a vicious cycle.
The Education Ministry has vowed to raise the educational budget to 6 percent of gross domestic product. But this year,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it��s expected to fall below 5 percent. Of course,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], we cannot casually increase the educational budget. On the other hand,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], we cannot postpone providing better educational conditions for our children indefinitely. The government should come up with a plan that can at least address the dire situation faced by the poorest schools.相关的主题文章:
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before the CSRC revised "measures" securities investment fund management solicit public (referred to as "the draft"). For bond funds, "draft", debt leverage ratio should not exceed 140% of its net assets, in addition, the single bond holdings also made similar shares based on "double limit".
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